How Does the PIP360° Tool Work?

After inputting basic packaging specification data, the tool provides a score for recyclable, reusable or compostable packages. It allows the user to compare product scores, and helps prioritize pathways for improving circularity -- see examples below.






“What gets measured gets improved.”

— Peter Drucker

What’s Next?

How Do I Get Further Expert Support to Assess Current & New Packaging Designs?

The PAC Global Packaging Consulting team is available to help review scorecard results:​

  • Initial one-hour discussions at no cost to help guide and set direction​

  • If more in depth review desired, this can be provided for a fee

  • Meet our Team

How much does it cost to use PIP360° v2.0?

  • An annual license fee of $2,500 USD for members and $3,750 USD for non-members allows users to run unlimited scores.

  • PIP360° Trial Offer $500 USD: Up to five scores plus an hour with a PAC Global Consulting Team Member. If you find the outcome useful, sign up for the annual license and we’ll offset the trial fee.

Tool Development Collaborators

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"PIP360° is a powerful tool that can be used to validate the circularity of different materials. As we work towards supporting a circular economy, we need to ensure we engineer our packaging waste to become a resource. PIP360° can support the packaging decision-making process by bench-marking and certifying the circularity of the pathway forward, in conjunction with LCAs,
to ensure the waste can be recycled in the region where it’s being sold."

- Lukas Martinovic Sustainability Manager, Silgan Plastics

“PIP360 offers a scalable platform to evaluate the circularity of packaging assessed for the market of sale. The resulting score is not just a statement of the current packaging circularity, but also serves as a guide to improved circularity whether by recycling, reuse, or composting. Single-score evaluations of sustainability are difficult; PIP360 provides a meaningful measure now with opportunity for additional scope in the future. We are excited by the potential we have seen from using the PIP360 tool.”

— Brent Heist, Director Global Packaging Sustainability, The Procter & Gamble Company